
ToR 1: Project ‘Preparation of Third National Communication under UNFCCC’ (Capacity building)

Terms of Reference:
Project ‘Preparation of Third National Communication under UNFCCC’
Job title:               NC3 Expert to develop a training and capacity building plan
Type of contract:  Consultancy services paid in tranches based on approved deliverables
Duration:              From July 2021 until the project is completed
Work load:           Part time, limited number of max 30 working days within the above mentioned project period
Duty station:        Paramaribo, Suriname (own office)
Reporting to:       NC3 Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) Other Information and Constraints & Gaps


Suriname has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997. In 2006 Suriname formally submitted its First National Communication (NC1), its Second (NC2) in 2016 and is now in the process to prepare its Third National Communication (NC3). The NC3 will be submitted to the UNFCCC at the very latest in December 2021.
The main goal of the NC3 project is to assist Suriname in deepening the integration and mainstreaming of climate change into national development goals, coordinating efforts among different actors and sectors to address climate change. The project will enable Suriname to respond to international environmental obligations by strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of government agencies, NGOs and the private sector.
The immediate objective of the project is to assist the country in the preparation and submission of its NC3 to the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, in fulfillment of its obligations to the Convention.
The NC3 project will support Suriname in improving the quality of information on topics that are in line with UNFCCC decisions included in the National Communications by Non-Annex I Parties:  (a) national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removal by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, to the extent its capacities permit, using comparable methodologies promoted and agreed upon by the COP; (b) a general description of steps taken or envisaged by the Non-Annex I Party to implement the Convention; and (c) any other information that the Non-Annex I Party considers relevant to the achievement of the objective of the Convention and suitable for inclusion in its communication, including, if feasible, materials relevant for calculations of global emission trends. In addition to producing the report, the NC3 project will have a special focus on the establishment of structures and capacity that are needed for reporting to the UNFCCC on a continual basis.
According to the Convention non-Annex I Parties are encouraged to provide, in accordance with decision 2/CP.7, information on how capacity-building activities, as contained in the framework annexed to that decision, are being implemented at national and, where appropriate, at subregional and/or regional levels. This could include, inter alia, options and priorities for capacity building, participation in and promotion of South–South cooperation, the involvement of stakeholders in capacity building, coordination and sustainability of capacity-building activities, and the dissemination and sharing of information on capacity-building activities. Countries are encouraged to include, as appropriate, information on national, sub-regional and/or regional capacity-building activities for integrating adaptation to climate change into medium and long-term planning.
For Suriname, where the population is small and work force is limited, capacity building is very crucial. It is a constant challenge to find qualified experts in Suriname who understand the international guidelines and in-depth reporting requirements with regards to climate change. Outsourcing to international consultants is not a long-term solution and does not match well with the deep insights in the national circumstances that are needed. It is very important to provide enough opportunities for institutions and individuals to build up their capacity in smart ways. The strategy within the NC3 project is therefore, to build the capacity on the various components of a national communication, in order to build the knowledge in the country and enable self-implementation in the future. A training and capacity building plan will be developed in order for Suriname to better deal with climate change issues.

Scope of work

The main objective of the consultancy is to develop a training and capacity building plan and summarize in a report the information on how capacity building activities related to the implementation of the Convention are being implemented at the national, and where appropriate at the subregional and/or regional levels, including a summary of the aforementioned plan.


  • Prepare a detailed work plan, including a timeline for the execution of the activities based on above mentioned scope of work;
  • Conduct an assessment on how capacity has been built up by institutions and individuals so far, as well as review the opportunities for these actors to build their capacity in smart ways;
  • Analyze the collected data and provide a text summarizing the status, opportunities and needs for capacity building to be included in NC3;
  • Collaborate with other NC3 experts e.g. Education, Training and Awareness, Gender and climate change and the Greenhouse Inventory in order to develop a training and capacity building plan for Suriname to better deal with the effects of climate change;
  • Draft a report with regards to implementation of capacity building activities related to the Convention;
  • Develop a training and capacity building plan;
  • Present and discuss the information on capacity building and the developed training and capacity building plan with stakeholders;
  • Process all comments from the stakeholders and PMU and finalize:
    • a report with information on capacity building, including a summary of the training and capacity building plan, to be included as a chapter in the NC3 report;
    • the training and capacity building plan for Suriname with regards to climate change issues;
  • Perform any other related duties related to the development of the final NC3 report.

Expected outputs of the assignment

The Expert will be responsible for the following outputs:

  • A detailed work plan with above activities and a timeline within the given period;
  • Report with compiled and synthesized information on the status of capacity building on Climate Change in Suriname;
  • Presentation and discussion of findings and the draft training and capacity building plan in a workshop;
  • Training and capacity building plan with regards to climate change;
  • Report on information with regards to implementation of capacity building activities related to the Convention, and a summary of the training and capacity building plan to be included into the chapter Other Information and Constraints & Gaps of the final NC3 report.

Institutional arrangements

The expert is required to work in consultation with, and under the guidance and supervision of the CLA “Other Information and Constraints & Gaps”. The expert conducts his/her activities in accordance with the ToR, must report timely on his/her progress and deliver outputs in agreement with the ToR and approved work plan. All outputs will be submitted to the CLA for review and approval. The final approval of outputs is provided by the NEA through the PC and CLA.

Reporting requirements

The expert will report regularly to the CLA to ensure a timely delivery of the expected outputs. He/she will report to the CLA on progress made with regards to the execution of his/her assignment, including all challenges encountered, risks foreseen, proposed or taken mitigation measures, and where the support of the NEA may be required.
All outputs shall first be submitted in draft to be reviewed by the CLA and will be presented to the Project Steering Committee and the NEA for discussion and approval prior to finalization.


A consultancy fee will be agreed based on offered financial proposal and paid upon completion of deliverables. Payment will be remitted, subject to clearance from the Project Steering Committee and approval of final deliverables by the NC3 PMU (NEA, PC and CLA).
The proposed payment terms (upon submission and acceptance of deliverables):

Deliverables Target deadline % of payment
Detailed work plan and timeline July 2021 10
Report with compiled and synthesized information on the status on capacity building with regards to Climate Change in Suriname August 2021 35
Workshop report on the findings and discussion with
stakeholders on the developed training and capacity building plan
September 2021 35
Training and capacity building plan with regards to climate change
Report on information with regards to implementation of capacity building activities related to the Convention, and a summary of the training and capacity building plan to be included into the chapter Other Information and Constraints & Gaps of the final NC3 report October 2021 20

Qualifications, experience and knowledge


  • A University degree in Education, Management, Social Sciences or Public Administration and any other related fields.


  • At least five (5) years professional work experience;
  • Extensive experience in organizing and facilitating stakeholder meetings;
  • extensive experience in facilitating training and tailoring training plans;
  • Good written and oral communication skills;
  • Good time management;
  • Ability to work as a member of a multi-professional team.

Personal competences:

  • Able to work with minimal supervision.
  • Proficiency with Office.
  • Fluency in Dutch and English.
  • Flexibility, responsibility, integrity, cooperative.
  • Respond positively to critical feedback and differing points of view.

Contracting and payment

The Directorate for Environment at the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment will contract the selected consultant. The costs associated with the consultancy will be paid from the project ‘Enabling activities for the preparation of Suriname’s Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’ (NC3 project), administered by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). However, based on national financial policy and regulation all payments should be in the local currency, the Surinamese Dollars (SRD).

Application procedure

Applicants should submit a technical proposal in English and a financial proposal in Surinamese Dollars (SRD). Proposals should be submitted no later than June 28, 2021 at 15:00 hr local time to the email address [email protected]. of Secretariat of the Directorate for Environment of the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment:
Attn. Mrs. I. Pengel – Patterzon LLM
Senior Legal & Policy Advisor
Swalmbergstraat 7, Paramaribo, Suriname
Tel: (597) – 424075/ (597) – 424076

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