EMSAGS Advertisement for assessment of environmental fund
- Categorie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- The (NIMOS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the (UNDP) are engaged in the multi-year project Improving Environmental Management in the Mining Sector of Suriname, with Emphasis on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (EMSAGS).
- Locatie: Mr. J. Lachmonstraat no. 93
- Locatie: [email protected]
- Gepubliceerd: 18/09/2023
- Inleverdatum tot: 16/10/2023
Call for views on progress in EITI implementation in Suriname
- Categorie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- In accordance with the Validation procedure4, the EITI International Secretariat is seeking stakeholder views on Suriname’s progress in implementing the EITI Standard between March 2021 and October 2023.
- Locatie: The Ministry of Natural Resources , Mr. Dr. J. C. de Mirandastraat 13-15 Paramaribo, Suriname
- Locatie: [email protected]
- Gepubliceerd: 27/07/2023
- Inleverdatum tot: 01/10/2023
- Categorie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- The Executing Agency invites all suitable and qualified candidates to apply for the vacant position of Financial Specialist for the PEU.
- Locatie: The Ministry of Natural Resources , Mr. Dr. J. C. de Mirandastraat 13-15 Paramaribo, Suriname
- Locatie: [email protected]
- Gepubliceerd: 15/03/2023
- Inleverdatum tot: 23/03/2023
Vacancy Notice: Project Manager Project Administrative Assistant
- Categorie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- The GEF Gold+ project invites applications for the following consultancy: Project Manager, Project Administrative Assistant. This consultancy is open to nationals or legal residents of Suriname
- Locatie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- Locatie: [email protected]
- Gepubliceerd: 13/03/2023
- Inleverdatum tot: 31/03/2023
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CONSULTING SERVICES Legal firm for legal and regulatory (advisory) services
- Categorie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- The Republic of Suriname has received financing from the [the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) toward the cost of the program “consolidate the sustainability of the energy sector”, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
- Locatie: The Ministry of Natural Resources of Suriname Mr. Dr. J. C. de Mirandastraat 13-15 Paramaribo, Suriname
- Locatie: [email protected]
- Gepubliceerd: 06/03/2023
- Inleverdatum tot: 24/03/2023
Vacancy Notice; Local consultant to draft the detailed Terms of Reference to develop a Responsible Mining Strategy and Action Plan (RMSAP) for Suriname.
- Categorie: Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen
- The EMSAGS project invites applications for the following position: Local consultant to draft the detailed Terms of Reference to develop a Responsible Mining Strategy and Action Plan (RMSAP) for Suriname.
- Locatie: National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) Attn. Project Manager EMSAGS project Mr. Jaggernath Lachmonstraat 93 Paramaribo-Suriname
- Locatie: [email protected]
- Gepubliceerd: 10/12/2022
- Inleverdatum tot: 30/12/2022